Aliada Create Organization

Discover how Aliada keeps your music projects organized. Learn about our intuitive file management, version management, and workflow optimization features. Stay organized, boost productivity, and focus on your creativity. Effortlessly manage collaborations and streamline your audio production process.


Create custom collaborative spaces that mirror your real-world musical partnerships, streamlining your creative process from conception to completion.

Anyone you invite to your Team can collaborate on all Projects & Assets under that Team.

  • Easily set up and manage multiple Teams for different collaborations
  • Invite members with role-based permissions for secure access control

Whether you're a solo artist collaborating with session musicians, a band working on your next album, or a bustling recording studio managing multiple projects, Aliada's Team feature adapts to your unique workflow. Experience the harmony of effortless collaboration – where every member plays their part in perfect sync.


Artist, Band, Studio, Performer, etc.
You can learn much more about Teams here


A Team can have many Projects.

Project serves as a dedicated workspace, allowing you to group related assets and collaborate efficiently towards your creative goals.


Album, EP, TV Episode, Podcast, etc.
You can learn much more about Projects here


Assets are the core of Aliada Create. A Project can have one or more Assets.

Everyone on your Team can comment, reply, and collaborate to get your Asset across the finish line.


Song, Score, Performance, Composition, Soundtrack, Jingle, Podcast Episode, etc.
You can learn much more about Assets here

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