Aliada Create Pro Features

Unlock Aliada's advanced tools for professional music production. Explore high-end audio processing, unlimited storage, priority support, and exclusive collaboration features. Elevate your projects with cutting-edge technology designed for serious musicians and producers.

Streamlined Asset Collection

Revolutionize your studio workflow with Aliada Create's Submission Boxes. This powerful feature transforms the often chaotic process of gathering song and audio elements into a smooth, organized experience.

  • Eliminate email attachments and fragmented file sharing
  • Reduce time spent on administrative tasks
  • Ensure all submissions are properly labeled and organized
  • Maintain a clear audit trail of all received assets
  • Improve collaboration with remote team members and contributors
  • Enhance data security with controlled access and encryption

From collecting stems for a remix to gathering final vocals for an album, Submission Boxes simplify your workflow. Say goodbye to lost files, version confusion, and endless email chains. With Aliada Create, experience the ease of centralized, secure, and efficient asset collection – keeping your creative process flowing smoothly from start to finish.


Submission Boxes are available on SOME plans

Simplified Royalty Management

Aliada Create revolutionizes the complex world of music rights and royalties with its intuitive Splits and PRO management system. Say goodbye to spreadsheet chaos and hello to transparent, efficient rights administration.

  • Eliminate confusion and disputes over royalty shares
  • Ensure all contributors are properly credited and compensated
  • Maintain a clear, auditable history of split changes
  • Improve transparency and trust among collaborators
  • Simplify royalty distribution and accounting processes

From intimate songwriting sessions to large-scale productions, Aliada Create's Splits/PROs feature adapts to your needs. Experience the peace of mind that comes with clear, accessible rights management – where every contributor's share is accounted for, and PRO information is always at your fingertips. With Aliada Create, transform the often stressful aspects of music business into a smooth, professional process that lets you focus on what matters most: creating great music.


Splits/PROs is available on ALL plans

Compare (most popular!)

Discover why the Compare feature is the crown jewel of Aliada Create. This powerhouse tool revolutionizes the way you evaluate and perfect your music, offering unparalleled flexibility in comparing multiple versions and sections of your assets.

  • Make informed decisions with confidence
  • Streamline the revision process
  • Enhance team collaboration on fine-tuning tracks
  • Easily identify the strongest elements across multiple versions
  • Save time by comparing sections without full playbacks
  • Improve overall quality of your final product

"Now, it's simpler for everyone to determine which version has the best kick drum 😅"

Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional A/B testing and hello to a new era of precision in music production. With Aliada Create's Compare feature, transform your decision-making process into a streamlined, collaborative experience that elevates your music to new heights.


Compare is available on ALL plans

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