Storage Considerations with Aliada

Understand how sample rates and bit depth affect your audio files and Aliada storage. Learn about file sizes, quality trade-offs, and optimal settings for different project types. Maximize your storage efficiency without compromising sound quality. Make informed decisions for your music production workflow.

  • Sample rate: Represents how many samples per second a sound wave is measured, with a higher sample rate capturing more detail. Examples: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, etc.
  • Bit depth: Represents the number of bits of information recorded for each sample of audio. Higher bit depths provide more dynamic range, allowing for more precise representation of the audio's quiet and loud parts. Examples: 16-bit, 24-bit, etc.
  • Storage impact: Higher sample rates or bit depths lead to larger file sizes due to the increased number of data points

44.1 kHz

  • Standard CD quality, streaming services & consumer audio
  • Supports audio signals up to 22.05 kHz

48 kHz

  • Video Standard
  • It allows for recording everything within the range of human hearing while leaving room for an anti-aliasing filter
  • Best for overall compatibility

96 kHz+

  • For archival audio
  • Highest detail
  • Allows for 48 kHz of audio bandwidth
  • Offers more headroom for mixing

Common sample rates & bit depths and storage impact

44.1 kHz, 16-bit

  • Stereo = 10.1 MB per minute of audio
  • 4 minute audio file requires 40.4 MB of storage
  • 1 GB of storage would approximately store 25 audio files, each with a duration of 4 minutes

48 kHz, 24-bit

  • Stereo = 16.5 MB per minute of audio
  • 4 minute audio file requires 66 MB of storage
  • 1 GB of storage would approximately store 15 audio files, each with a duration of 4 minutes

96 kHz, 32-bit

  • Stereo = 43.9 MB per minute of audio
  • 4 minute audio file requires 175.6 MB of storage
  • 1 GB of storage would approximately store 5 audio files, each with a duration of 4 minutes

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